[Book 2] Chapter 125
lan POV
My eyes can't stop following her. Even though we are back, home, we stay in the small flat, more accustomed to it than the main house. I still have my wheelchair, although I get up and down in short spurts, trying to build up my strength and endurance so that I don't need it anymore. It's quiet. Too quiet. Unnerving. Since we've come back from the hospital, Dawn has been quiet and lost in her thoughts. Even Faith has been morose, picking up on the tense atmosphere and disappearing to spend time with Carina and Patches, her new best friend.
"Dawn," I said, fixing my eyes on her "come and sit down, the house is clean enough," I said, as she continued to move listlessly around, absently fixing the paintings on the wall or tidying up small piles of paperwork.
"I guess I just feel a little, I don't know, weird being back here" she admitted, sitting on the couch and regarding me, her hands in her lap, twisting together "I feel like I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop or for something..." "bad to happen?" I finish grimly.
She nods sheepishly. I sigh. It's not unexpected. She must be in pain though. She limps slightly from the pain in her leg, even though we've been reassured she will get better. "Why don't we go into the main house and see how Knox is going?" I suggest smoothly.
She looks startled by the suggestion. I can sense she's about to refuse but I don't give her a reason to. I begin to get out of the chair and she rushes to make sure I don't fall down. "lan, you know that you have to wait for me" she cries.
I grin at her and begin to doggedly walk outside as she grabs the chair and follows quickly "It's a nice day and I feel like seeing my family" I tell her as she looks at me with surprise.
I didn't want her to stay hidden away. To cloister herself in the house out of fear. I wanted her to go out and experience life. I smoothly entered the main house as she pushed the chair behind me and stepped into the living room. Dawn gasped as she took in the decorations. I shook my head at her as tears swam in her eyes. She had forgotten all about the date. Not surprising, considering everything we had gone through. Still, it was a day to celebrate and she deserved to feel special. As she took in the room, and everybody waiting there, "Congratulations" shouted out in unison, I saw tears in her eyes.
"Happy birthday," I told her quietly, sinking onto the nearest couch as my strength deserted me.
She put a hand to her mouth, her lower lip quivering. "You did all this for me?" she whispered.
"It was lan's idea, we merely carried it out on his instructions," my father said, hugging her tight and stepping back before Carina hugged her daughter tight.
"Happy birthday honey" she murmured.
Faith skipped up, hugging Dawn as Carina stepped back "Happy birthday mummy, I helped put the decorations up" she chirped, giggling.
Knox warmly hugged Dawn and then Lorelia, before he picked their son back up off the floor as he wriggled and tried to crawl away. "Not so fast" he chuckled.
His injury in his arm had healed remarkably well or he was too stubborn to admit it hurt. I admired his tenacity as he held his son in his lap.
"Flair and Grayson send their apologies as well as Rachel. They were unable to make it" I told Dawn who nodded, her eyes still suspiciously shiny.
She sat, looking flabbergasted. There were balloons, streamers, confetti everywhere. I saw Patches hiding under a nearby table, his tail wagging as he waited to see if anybody would give him some food. There was a table in the corner with a bunch of food, cupcakes, cake, nibbles, etc. Wine and adult drinks were available in the kitchen. Dawn looked stunned. Knox quickly handed her a present off the ground as she gaped at him.
"Happy birthday sis," he said cheerfully, almost causing her to cry while Lorelai smiled at her.
Her fingers shook as she undid the bow and then ripped the wrapping off. Lorelai and Knox had gotten her a watch with a picture of Faith in it. Dawn gasped as Faith looked at it, giggling.
"It's me" she cried and Dawn smiled at her, taking the watch out and putting it on immediately "yes baby it's you," she said blinking back tears and looking gratefully at Knox and Lorelai "thank you" she whispered.
"Our turn" Mr Grant, my father said, and Carina handed another box to Dawn who was beginning to look overwhelmed. She trembled as she opened the box. "Faith helped pick this out" Carina nodded towards the little girl who was beaming as she came to sit next to me. I put an arm around her and she leaned against me, smiling as she watched her mother unwrap the present.
It was a miniature cuckoo clock. Apparently, she liked them and had wanted to start a collection at some stage. Dawn's eyes widened in appreciation. "Thank you" she whispered thickly.
My father's eyes sparkled as he sat down next to Carina, taking her hand and stroking it gently.
Now it was my turn. I felt nervous even as I fished the small box out of my pocket. Dawn looked at me questioningly as I passed it to her.
I had thought long and hard about what to get her. Dawn was the kind to appreciate sentimental gifts over the materialistic kind. It had proven to make it difficult to think of what to get her but after a long thought, it had come to me what she would appreciate more than anything. She opened the box and slowly pulled out the necklace. A locket, a white gold heart with Faith's birthstone on it to match her ring. She gasped and looked at me. I gave a smile.
"Open it" I prompted as everybody watched from their seats.
She warily slid the locket open and then sucked in a breath. I had placed a photograph of Faith when she was a baby in it and then put an image of our baby's ultrasound picture in it. For a moment Dawn said nothing as she looked at it and then she burst into a flood of tears, wiping her eyes away with a shaking hand.
"It's perfect" she sniffled and then glanced at her mother who was attempting to look at it "But we haven't told..." she trailed off.
I grinned "Maybe now's a good time?" I suggested quietly.
Dawn wordlessly handed the locket to her mother who eyed it with approval "It's gorgeous honey. You did well lan" she said not clicking on "Faith as a baby and her ultrasound picture. Such a lovely thing to do" she gushed looking excitedly at
"Um mother, that's Faith's picture as a baby, but that's not her ultrasound picture" Dawn commented, as Carina turned her head to look at her, a look of confusion appearing on her face.
"What do you mean that's not Faith's ultrasound picture" she demanded "If that's not her picture then oh..." realization dawned on everyone at the same time.
"You're pregnant" squealed Carina, jumping up and down as Dawn giggled and Faith clapped her hands excitedly. "Oh my gosh," she hugged Dawn excitedly.
"Congratulations," my father said looking shell-shocked and glancing at me "but I thought?"
"The specialist confirmed it for themselves. The damage repaired itself. I can father children" I said bluntly, getting it out in the open.NôvelDrama.Org © content.
My father grinned, his eyes twinkling as he held out his hand and shook mine. "I'm so pleased for you son," he said puffing out his chest and looking around proudly "I can't believe it. Isn't this wonderful" he told a nodding Carina who handed back the necklace to Dawn and sat back down on the couch with my father with a wide grin on her face.
"Congratulations" Lorelai was the next to speak, her smile warm as she hugged Dawn and then me.
Knox hugged Dawn tightly. "Congratulations. I can't wait to be an Uncle again" he breathed and then shook my hand "Good going bro."
Faith looked a little bewildered and overwhelmed "Does this mean that I have a little brother or sister?"
"Soon," I told her, as she climbed onto my lap, causing my breath to hitch as she blindly trusted me to hold onto her "Not right now but when your mummy gives birth."
"Okay," she said dreamily "I want a sister though, there's too many boys in this family" she pouted, making everybody laugh out loud.
"We'll see," I told her amused as she cuddled into me and Faith giggled beside me "I don't think we get to choose though," I told her honestly as she blinked her big eyes at me. "Today must be the day for news," my father said suddenly, looking a little trepidatious.
My head swiveled around to look at him. He was flushed and Carina was biting her lip. I could see Dawn's eyes narrow as she took in the two of them holding hands. I could feel a grin spreading over my face. I had a feeling I knew exactly what they were about to announce but I wasn't going to speak up and ruin it. Dawn looked at me and I nodded subtly, smirking at her. This wasn't surprising to me. Not with how close my father and Carina had gotten. My father cleared his throat. "Boys you know I loved your mother" he began as Knox and I nodded solemnly "But there comes a time when a man has to move on, try and find some happiness in his life. Ever since I've met Carina" he nodded at her as she smiles tenderly at him "I've felt like a whole new man again. She brings me joy and happiness. I've never felt so alive" he added as we continued to watch, Lorelai and Dawn looking on the verge of tears "and I can't think of anyone else I would rather spend the rest of my life with. I asked Carina to marry me this morning and..." "I said yes" Carina squealed, jumping to her feet and hugging my father as he chuckled.
"Oh, Mother" Dawn gushed, rushing to hug her "I am nothing but happy for you," she told her, before hugging my father who was taken aback but beaming "And this is perfect news to share on my birthday" she added happily.
I hugged Carina, feeling overwhelmed. This wasn't how I had planned today but it couldn't have gone any better "Welcome to the family" I rasped, before my father stepped over and I shook his hand "Congratulations father. Carina is a good woman" I told him honestly.
"Just like her daughter is," he said as Knox hugged him and he glanced back at me, Lorelai busy congratulating Carina and Faith joining them "I didn't mean to take away from Dawn's day but..."
I shook my head "I think you just made it perfect" I said, glancing at my fiancee whose face was alight with happiness and joy "She's never looked happier."
Or more beautiful to me.