My Arrogant Fiancée Is an All Round Genius

Chapter 40

Chapter 40 Eat Pasta Soup

Chapter 40 Eat Pasta Soup

The air was thick with the food's smell, which smelt spicy.

Myrna talked to Monica for a short while. Then, she and Calvin went to find a place to sit.

Students and people who work nearby just finished their day. The 30 tables were almost full.

Luckily, there was an available table in the corner beside the wall.

Calvin saw that Myrna put her phone on the table to occupy the place. It looked like Myrna had come here a lot. Myma looked back and asked Calvin, "Do you want pepper in your pasta soup?" Calvin looked so different and eye-catching among the crowd. He glanced at the young people's plates beside him with his deep eyes.

Their pasta looked red and very spicy

Calvin didn't have it yet, but he felt that his throat and stomach started aching already.

"I can have a little of it."

Myrna snapped her fingers casually. "Okay. What about other meat or animals' organs?"

In Nemmington, everyone knew that Calvin only ate delicate food and didn't eat animals' organs. He didn't even eat foie gras.

It wasn't because Calvin didn't like it. He was allergic to such food.

Calvin rubbed the bridge of his nose and found himself in trouble. He

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Chapter 40 Eat Pasta Scup

said in a deep and enchanting voice. No. I want it to be simple."

Myrna blinked her bright eyes as if she had seen through Calvin's weakness. She asked randomly, "Don't you eat animals' organs?"

Calvin didn't know how Myrna knew that. At least, he hadn't told her


But when Calvin wanted to say something, the cool and pretty girl looked away and was ready to order food. "No animals' organs and a little pepper, right? I got it."


The table and stool were too small for Calvin.

The table was less than half a meter wide, and the plastic stool was extremely low. It was so simple and looked like equipment in a children's game.

The environment wasn't very good. But fortunately, Monica liked to ..keep things neat and tidy. The place was clean.

Calvin bent, pulled a stool out, and sat down.NôvelDrama.Org copyrighted © content.

He was tall and had long limbs. The plastic stool was so low that Calvin had to curl his legs. There was almost no place for his long legs. For the

first time, Calvin sat so uncomfortably. He had been in gunfights, but it felt more awkward now.

"Food is ready."

Soon, Myrna came back with two plates, which were steaming and looked hot.

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Chapter 40 Eat Pasta Soup

"This one is yours. I didn't put much pepper in it."

A plate of pasta soup was placed in front of Calvin. It smelt great, only had a little pepper, and didn't look very spicy.

"And this one is mine."

Myrna pulled out the stool opposite Calvin and sat down. Her pasta soup looked much spicier. Myrna added a lot of pepper and chili to her pasta. She also ordered some other vegetables and meat. Myrna looked relaxed. She picked up two forks and gave Calvin one.

Myma seemed to be in a great mood. She said, "It tastes better when it is still hot. Monica is a good cook. Students and people who work nearby like to eat here. Taste it."


Myrna seemed to be enjoying her food. Seeing that, Calvin somehow felt hungry. He lowered his head, wound some pasta, and had a taste.

The pasta was cooked just right. The vegetables were crunchy and made it not too spicy. It tasted good. Calvin hadn't eaten at the stall on the roadside before. He was surprised that it didn't taste bad. Calvin. raised a smile. The gloom in his eyes disappeared a lot. His shoulders were as relaxed as Myrna's.

Chapter 41 Encounter a Local Bully

Chapter 41 Encounter a Local B

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